Access FREE Consumer Connections with
For five years, has generated valuable, free leads to REIN members. With 525,000 unique users and 2.4 Million pageviews to date, you can be sure that your listings are reaching the right audience and helping you build connections while saving on marketing dollars. Here's how connections are made on
There are a few ways a user can engage with you. They can submit an in person or virtual showing request. They can select the "Call Me" button to contact you immediately, or they can select the "Email Me" button to reach you directly. They can also fill out the "Request Info" form.
Each lead is sent directly to the listing agent's email address or phone number. Leads from will look like this in your inbox. leads are also stored in your REIN MLS Agent dashboard. REIN MLS Agent is a dual desktop-mobile CRM that agents can use to track and manage the leads they receive from, as well as to import leads from other sources and manage customer relationships from one convenient location. It is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. To learn more about navigating the app and managing your leads, watch this tutorial here.
With 4,000 leads being delivered to REIN MLS members so far, there's no better time to leverage the access you have to free consumer engagement and connections. Head to and to learn more about everything your membership offers.