When REIN converted from Fusion to Matrix, several changes were made to improve data integrity. One of the most noticeable changes revolved around selections for parking. Working closely with the REIN User Group and SMAC, REIN determined that there was confusion when defining a specific type of garage. It also took 3 selections to mark Garage, Attached, 2-Car. REIN streamlined these selections for input into Matrix, so Garage is no longer an option to define parking on any listings entered since the November 2016 conversion.
However, "Garage" can still be found in search options. This allows users to search on older listings that were entered prior to the conversion where garage was selected as an option. It is strongly recommended that any agent with a listing that has been active since before the conversion go into that listing and update the parking selection to one of the new options.
REIN believes this one particular field is having an effect on getting the results desired on searches.
- If searching for homes with any kind of garage, it’s best to simply selected Y from the Garage Y/N field.
- If a buyer wants a specific type of garage, whether it be an “Attached 2 Car” or “Attached 3+ Car”, it is best to hand select the specific option(s) from the available list.
As a reminder, to select more than one option, hold the Ctrl key down before clicking. Mac users will need to use the Command key.