Carts allow you to set listings aside, per Client, that can later be retrieved. You can create multiple Carts for the same Client. Once your properties are selected (either from the grid or the listing report), click the Carts button at the bottom of your screen. From the drop down menu, select the Client’s name, then click Add to to add those listings to his/her Cart. If you wish to create an additional Cart, click New Cart and give it a different Name. Click Save to add those listings to your Client's new Cart. Carts may be helpful when compiling a list of comps for a CMA or an Appraisal report. Or, maybe you'd want to make a special Cart for the properties you plan to visit over the weekend.
These listings will now display in the My Carts widget found on your Matrix Homepage, and in each Client’s file in the Contacts section of the My Matrix tab. Any listings placed in a Cart will remain until you manually remove them.