To get started, hover over the Search tab, and choose the appropriate property type. Start plugging in your desired criteria.
When selecting criteria from a pick list: To select more than one item hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard while clicking on the desired items with your mouse. The SHIFT keys allows you to grab a group of items at one time. To remove a selected items hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard while clicking with your mouse and the item will deselect. If you are using a tablet, you will not need to use the SHIFT or CTRL keys. If you are a MAC user, you will use the COMMAND key, not the CTRL key.
When searching for values (i.e., Price, Bedrooms, Baths, Square Footage, Year Built, etc.): Use the plus sign (+) and minus sign (-) to indicate your minimum and maximum values. The hyphen sign (-) can be used to represent a range. Using Bedrooms as an example:
- To search for a Minimum value (or more), enter a + after the number. (Ex: 3+)
- To search for a Maximum value (or less), enter a - after the number. (Ex: 3-)
- To search for a Range of values (between), enter a - between the two values. (Ex: 3-5)
When changing the “starts with” indicator to “contains”: Adding an asterisk symbol (*) to your text indicates to Matrix that your criteria ends with, starts with, or contains a specific word or name. This is especially helpful when using the Subdivision Name field or the Speed Bar. Using the Subdivision of "Ghent" as an example:
- Ghent includes the Subdivision of Ghent
- *Ghent* searches for any Subdivision containing the word Ghent
- Ghent* searches for any Subdivision ending in the word Ghent
Click here for a quick tutorial on how to properly use the Asterisk in Matrix!
When excluding something from your criteria: The exclamation mark (!) is used to exclude a certain word or phrase from the criteria.
- !Ocean Park will exclude any results for Ocean Park
- !Ocean will exclude any results containing the word Ocean
Status, Change Type & Days Back: The Status will default to Active, which includes Active, New, Increased, Decreased, Extended, and Back on Market. Matrix refers to these statuses as “Change Types”. The Change Type field is used to specify an individual Change Type versus the whole Status of Active. Once you check the Status boxes for any off market status, it will populate a range of 0-180 days back in the box to the right of the field. The range can be changed or removed by manually entering a date or by clicking on the calendar icon. Use the gray question mark icon for more information regarding this field.
And, Or, and Not Indicators: Many of the search fields have indicators underneath them in the form of And, Or, and Not. Use these to include, find or omit specific criteria.
- And ensures that all items selected will be searched
- Or means any combination of the selected items will be searched
- Not will exclude the items selected
Add/Remove Fields: To add more criteria fields, click the Add link at the bottom, left of your screen. The link will display Add/Remove if you have added fields previously. Select fields from the Available Fields box to add to your search criteria and click the Add button to move it over to the Selected Fields box. To remove, select fields from the Selected Fields box and click the Remove button to move it back over to the Available Fields box. Click the Back button at the bottom, left of your screen to return back to your criteria screen. These search criteria fields will remain on your main search screen until you manually remove them.
Once all of the criteria has been entered, click the Results tab at the top or the Results button at the bottom of your screen to review the properties on a 1-line report. The Map tab will display the results on a map.